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Become a doggy dental health expert through Petosan Dental University with our informative blogs and educational videos.
Graduate at the top of the class in dog dental health by checking out all of our cutting-edge content!

In unseren Schritt-für-Schritt-Videos möchten wir Hundebesitzern helfen, das Zähneputzen so zu meistern, dass es zu einer positiven Erfahrung wird, um sowohl Ihre Bindung zu verbessern als auch Ihren Hund gesund zu halten.
Step 1
The first video helps you prepare you and the dog for the process of establishing a quality dental regimen and handling the dog´s mouth.
Step 2
The second video takes you through introduction of toothpaste and getting the dog used to your handling his mouth.
Step 3
In the third video the finger cloth is introduced.
Step 4
Finally, its time to introduce the toothbrush and start brushing. Let brushing be daily fun time.
Did you know that by the age of three, 80% of dogs show early signs of periodontal disease?
Check out our WHY BRUSH page for more great dental health education for your pets.
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